20,322 feet.
Or 20, 237 feet. Depending on who's counting.
Big. Tall, Grand. Hulk.
The Great One in Athabascan.
We drove right by it. Just over there.
Base-to-peak rise = 18,000 feet, the largest of any mountain entirely above sea level.
Made of granitic pluton.
Lifted by tectonic pressures.
What is granitic pluton anyway?
Named for a president no one remembers.
Mountains like this raise such questions.
Five glaciers slide down it's shoulders. Cold.
A low temp of -75.5 °F . Windchill of -118.1 °F
But it's pretty.
Pink in winter's Alpenglow.
Rarely seen by tourists.
Turns out granitic pluton is very common.
A real amateur took this picture.
But not a tourist.
Or 20, 237 feet. Depending on who's counting.
Big. Tall, Grand. Hulk.
The Great One in Athabascan.
We drove right by it. Just over there.
Base-to-peak rise = 18,000 feet, the largest of any mountain entirely above sea level.
Made of granitic pluton.
Lifted by tectonic pressures.
What is granitic pluton anyway?
Named for a president no one remembers.
Mountains like this raise such questions.
Five glaciers slide down it's shoulders. Cold.
A low temp of -75.5 °F . Windchill of -118.1 °F
But it's pretty.
Pink in winter's Alpenglow.
Rarely seen by tourists.
Turns out granitic pluton is very common.
A real amateur took this picture.
But not a tourist.