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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #11.4: TEXAS MODERN

The Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art:

It was ( I think)

A very long branch

Split up the middle then

Pegged together

Made me think of Jim White's

Long ladder -

The one he built

to explore the caves

though this ladder went

the other way

up and up

as if to bust

on through
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #11: TEXAS / PART I


It was 96 degrees at 6 pm when I left the farm just south of Manhattan, Kansas. I had just workshopped a new story so my brain was on fire not just my skin.

The cicadas.

The turtle in the grass.

Deep Creek Road to I 70 to Rt 77 to I 35 through Oklahoma City and onward  Read More 
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #11.1: TEXAS: THE GRASSY KNOLL



On the 6th Floor of the Book Depository, no cell phones are allowed to ring.

The boxes are stacked in front of the Perch. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a Patsy?

They have Jack Ruby's hat, Jackie in color and in black and white.

There are gargoyles  Read More 
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #11.2: MHC DALLAS



Met with the DALLAS Mount Holyoke Club Book Group. Thanks Karin Wilber '68, Jane Mayo '71, Dori (?) '74 and Janet (?) '71 for reading the book and sharing questions, your home and a lovely night.



Apple pie.


So far it's been MHC Hartford and a very wonderful meeting with Tiffany Chatham Smith '87 of La Jolla in San Juan Capistrano Austin is next tomorrow night.

Reading at MHC roommate Melissa McAllen Guerra '87 at THE TWIG BOOK SHOP, San Antonio, TX @ 7 pm.

Mel says were are going to have a skype reunion at the reading...

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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #11.3: WILD DETECTIVES


Dallas: museums / presidents / Love Field
Tex-Mex /
tour guides with conspiracy theories/
margaritas / SMU
cheese and olives /
apple pie /
warm at 10 pm / breeze /  Read More 
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #10.5: TRIP MAP #1


Mid-West, USA: Thunderclouds left and right /Lightning / Dry roads / No curves /Mark Twain in Hannibal / The Illinois, then Mississippi, then Missouri River in Kansas City / Illinois 150, to I 55, to I 72 to Missouri #36, to I 35, to I 70, exit right at Deep Creek Road (gravel) /Cicadas and dogs, a few lights /Cherries in the fridge /America the Beautiful.

RIP, you deer, you coyote, fox, opossum. RIP Read More 
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #10: IOWA CITY / BOOK OASIS

For Window Shoppers

IOWA CITY: Prairie Lights Books.

The Center of the Creative Writing Universe

Kurt Vonnegut Country.

Corn Art in Every Window.

Steak in Every Kitchen.

Vegans Go Home.


We Played in Fountains.

Nearly Ran Out of Gas.

Driving Home.

Did not.

Next stop: DALLAS / The Wild Detectives / June 11.

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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #9: SKYLIGHT / GET A DAMN TICKET

Los Angeles: Skylight Books.

So when I came up with this "tour" idea, I did not not really know if I was really going to get invited to read in one single book store. The book stores part of the "tour" was really more of a hypothetical, and hypothetical have sometimes gotten me into  Read More 
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Sidewinder Tour Blog Post #9.5: BACK EAST (ALMOST)


When you need
to get to Iowa
the way is clear.

The middle seat
is never chosen
but sometimes fine.

The girls waited
in the parking lot
The sitter forgot

her way home Read More 
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SIDEWINDER TOUR BLOG POST 8.3: Derailment: A many-miles book tour like this one, cannot go off with going off the rails somewhere. It happened last night in San Juan Capistano where Fish Obit staff left the laptop in the restaurant next to the train station, did not remember till on the train, jumped off. Spent the night in the Best Western. Had a wonderful dinner /reunion otherwise with old MHC pal Tiffany C. S.

SIDEWINDER TOUR BLOG POST 8.4: I think I can, I think I can...I think I love LA. When not biking or hiking or visiting farmers markets or film screenings or weird / cool museums with monumental sculptures or eating gourmet toast or drinking bubbly wine or smelling flowers / viewing huge-armed plants... a gal on a book tour in S. California tries CANINE AGILITY TRAINING. Thanks Stevie, a very alert and intuitive dog -- she did what she was supposed to do even when I instructed her wrong. Angie Lee you are the best. Photo of Stevie to follow...

Next stop Skylight Books tomorrow night!

Next next" Prairie Lights Bookstore -- Iowa City!

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